Thursday, June 21, 2018

The UN is not just dysfunctional it's useless – it's a criminal enterprise

The UN is not just dysfunctional it's useless – it's a criminal enterprise

It gives validity to zealots and bigots, a voice to international terrorists, and helps to keep tyrannical dictators in power. The U.N should be disbanded.
It is reasonable that honest, compassionate people seek a means for governments to air their differences. But that is not what the UN is doing in fact.
It is also reasonable that honest, compassionate people should desire some way to voluntarily pool resources to provide charitable aid to those who are starving or are victims of natural disaster. Indeed, this is the image of the United Nations that has been sold to the world since its inception. But the result is the opposite.
It is not, however, the reality.
The UN gives validity to zealots and bigots. It helps to keep tyrannical criminal dictators in power. It gives a voice to international terrorists and harms the world population. 

Delay. Negotiate. Recommend. Study. Reconsider. Do nothing. This is the game the UN has played in nearly every international crisis. It is the reason North Korea remains a threat after 50 years and maybe President Donald Trump is addressing the North Korea issue, time will tell. And it is the reason why a terrorist nation such as Syria can be given a seat on the UN's Human Rights Council even-though it gassed its own citizens and over half a million people killed.
The UN is buried under scandals. It has Oil-for-Food scandals. Smuggling scandals. And theft scandals. Fake and inflated refugee census, to inflate its budget. 
UN peacekeeping missions – with their record of rob, rape,and pillage – can actually bring fear to the local citizens they are supposed to protect. The U.N. personal violate the law consistently.
Who has the power to oversee and control its actions? The people don't vote on UN actions. The media has little access behind the scenes. Who audits the accounting books? It is time to dismantle the U.N.
UN supporters admit such problems, and they call for "reform." But to them, reform doesn't mean plugging holes in UN spending or clearing up scandals. Instead, it means global governance and continued waste of resources and menpower.
Since its inception 1946, the UN's advocacy has amounted to a desire to eradicate the sovereignty of nations – while imposing what it calls "world-mindedness." What a tragic venue.
A 1949 UNESCO document said, "...nationalism [is] the major obstacle to the development of world-mindedness." They play the game to maintain its criminal enterprise
Therein lies the UN's true goal. And that belies its public image of being simply a place where nations may come to air their differences and act responsibly. But that is not what the U.N. is doing.
Instead, the UN works to gain power for itself in order to become independent and supreme over its member nations. Thus collecting and wasting billions of dollars that could be used for better and more efficient programs.
To do that, it needs the power to tax. On Sept. 19, plans were approved by several nations to create a global tax, mostly through airline tickets to help pay for the treatment of AIDS. There are several other tax schemes on the UN wish list. If the UN gains the power to tax, it will become a monster free of its chains. And, of course, the UN wants its own military. It already has its own court which can only recommend and has no appeal process.
Imagine a world run by the justice of China, with the economics of Cuba, and the military might of the United States. Such is the world of the future under UN global governance. It is time to shut it down like its predecessor the League of Nations.
A glance at recent history shows that the UN is irrelevant as a body to deliver world peace. It is only contributing to conflicts
Using images of dire environmental emergencies, life-threatening diseases, or starving children, the UN promotes an agenda that seeks to redistribute the world's wealth. It is seeking the wealth to control its warped sense of humanity.
Nowhere is there mentioned in a single UN document that I have read an advocacy for the right to own private property. And it is a fact that the inability to own private property creates poverty. It is also a fact that confiscation of private property never helps to eradicate poverty. It only contributes to more poverty.
It is bad economic policy. Yet that is the UN's only solution to the massive suffering throughout the world. Take it from one source to give to another. And that, I contend, is the very root of the suffering – not the solution. It is promoting poverty and conflict.
The UN is not "dysfunctional" as some "reformists" have claimed. It is a criminal enterprise in which no moral nation should ever participate, let alone perpetuate. I say again it must be disbanded.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The U.N. a useless organization – Issues Non-binding resolutions with no legal standing - by YJ Draiman

The U.N. a useless organization – Issues Non-binding resolutions with no legal standing

In a Democratic legal system if you have decision that you think is erroneous or unjust you can appeal that decision and many times it is reversed.
U.N. opinions and or resolutions are (non-binding) biased, unjust, arbitrary and capricious (the same apply to the ICJ – International Court of Justice).
The U.N. has issued numerous opinions and non-binding resolutions that are biased, unsubstantiated and contrary to historical and factual evidence. This U.N. collusion with corrupt and biased countries and the issuance of non-binding egregious opinions and resolution has eroded the credibility of the U.N. beyond repair.
This has raised the ire and an outcry by many nations, politicians and institutions to de-fund the U.N. and dismantle it.
It is well known that the U.N. and the ICJ can only offer and issue a non-binding advisory recommended opinions and resolutions which carry no legal standing or affect. They can only issue a non-binding recommendation and resolution and if it is accepted by all parties in writing, then their recommended opinion and resolution is applicable (Provided the parties abide by the terms). Otherwise it has no meaning, validity, and no legal standing.
Therefore, my suggestion is stop panicking and aggrandizing these biased criminal organizations. Their recommended non-binding opinion has no meaningful value.
By reacting to and citing the non-binding recommendations of this criminal organization as having any validity, you are misleading the public that the recommended opinions by these criminal organizations might have some validity, which it does not.
It is time to expose the fraud and deception by these unethical, corrupt and unjust organizations and dismantle them completely.
It will also save a substantial amount of money and resources that could be put to a better use.
YJ Draiman

P.S. The League of Nations was replaced by the United Nations, since the league did not accomplish its purpose. The U.N. has not accomplished its purpose for what it was created to perform ethically and honestly.
In today's society the Nations of the world can function without an organization such as the U.N.
If the Nations of the world desire to establish a new International Peace organization, it must put some very specific Charter, with a caveat, that if it is not performing unbiased, ethically, honestly and justly, with respect to each member country, it will be dismantled. 
A citizens committee might be set to monitor its functions to perform ethically, justly and unbiased, un-falsified, verified and substantiated factual unbiased opinions.
YJ Draiman

Trump Can Advance UN Reform In The Wake Of Obama's Anti-Israel Stunt